Virtual Exhibit Experience
The H. Lee White Maritime Museum at Oswego is excited to bring to you a virtual exhibit experience that includes information and images from some of our favorite exhibits around the museum, and some of our best collaborative work yet! Whether your interest is in the pre-colonial period, or shipwrecks, or lighthouses; we have it all!
For Teachers: If you would like to use these, or any of our materials in the classroom, please contact us directly! We'll provide you with higher resolution images and supplementary information.
The HLWMM's Virtual Exhibit Experience also includes the annual Path Through Maritime History exhibit at the Great New York State Fair which endeavors to educate fair-goers about the maritime history, heritage, and culture of New York State. In the past, visitors have been introduced to the Great Shipwrecks of New York's Great Lakes which explored the historic, cultural and preservation efforts occurring underneath the inland waterways of New York in 2014. In 2017, Waterways of War demonstrated the role of New York State's maritime geography in three early American military conflicts. Lighthouses and Life-Saving focused on the historic and economic significance of lighthouses, their keepers, and their technology in 2018. In 2019, the exhibit focused on New York State's contribution to the recreational boating industry's boom in the 20th century.
Creating the Path Through Maritime History exhibit year-after-year is one centered on strong collaborative partnerships not limited to, the following: New York Sea Grant, Great Lakes Seaway Trail Inc., the Great New York State Fair, the Great Lakes Research Consortium, the H. Lee White Maritime Museum, the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, Lake Champlain Sea Grant, the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, the Central New York Boating Industries Association, various SUNY programs, Empire Dock and Lift, and dozens of other organizations and individual contributors.
Augmented Reality Web Experience
Experience the Maritime AR 3D Experience of our Desktop interactive exhibits, The Oswego Light House, Major Lundie's Schoolhouse, The Treaty of Oswego and much more.
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